21JAN '22fr, 19:00


Symphonic concert / Paid online broadcast
Event with audience: Symphony Hall
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Piano Concerto in G major No. 17, KV 453
  • Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony Nr. 3 in E-flat major, Op. 55 Eroica
One of the most beautiful piano concertos in history and a symphony that belongs to the classical music canon – this is the program of the next concert within the Grandioso series. The works written by the greatest, Mozart and Beethoven, have already received countless recordings and live interpretations and have been used many times by the most outstanding orchestras, conductors and soloists. This time they will sound on the stage of our golden hall.

The first part of the evening will be filled with Piano Concerto No. 17 in G major, KV 453 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the most famous musical geniuses of all time. The piece was written in April 1784. Although it may seem to modern listeners an excellent example of classical patterns, it is worth remembering that Mozart used a few innovative solutions here. First of all, he highlighted the woodwinds, which often engage in dialogue with the piano and even gained a leading role in orchestral parts. In Mozart's time, this was by no means an obvious solution. This procedure is evident in the second movement – Andante – in which the flute, oboe and bassoon become the piano's first-class partners. The second novelty is the use of variations instead of the typical classic rondo in the final part – Allegretto – Presto. This solution made this part of the concert particularly attractive and naturally memorable. Apparently, Mozart wrote it inspired by the spring singing of birds, and I think there is actually something to the matter. Bird trills can be heard even with an untrained ear.

This beautiful concert will be performed in our golden hall by the outstanding pianist Daria van den Bercken. The artist has several albums with music by Mozart, Scarlatti and Handel, which she recorded for the prestigious Sony Classical label, enthusiastically received by critics. Furthermore, she has performed with such renowned ensembles as the Orchester Philharmonique de Radio France, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. She is a regular guest at the most recognized concert halls in Europe and the world, such as the Concertgebouw Amsterdam or the Vienna Konzerthaus. In addition to intensive stage activities, the artist is also known as a populariser of classical music. The Keys to Music Foundation, which she founded, constantly looks for new audiences.

We will hear Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55 "Eroica" by Ludwig van Beethoven in the second part of the evening. The work does not need to be introduced to our music lovers, who most know it almost by heart. In many respects, it is a revolutionary and innovative piece that constitutes a kind of bridge between classicism and romanticism in music. Beethoven originally planned to dedicate this wonderful symphony to Napoleon Bonaparte. However, when he put the last notes on the score, he learned that the statesman he admired was crowned emperor of the French (1804). Beethoven was so furious that, according to some accounts, he tore up the front cover of his work, threw it on the floor and shouted: Is he, then, nothing more than an ordinary man? Now he too will violate the rights of the people to fulfil his ambition; he will rise above all, become a tyrant!

From the "Symphony for Bonaparte" Beethoven's "Third" was finally published only with the Italian title Sinfonia Eroica ... composta per festeggiare il sovvenire di un grande Uomo ("Heroic Symphony, composed for the glory of a great man") And so the nickname Eroica ('heroic') stuck to this symphony forever, reminding listeners for centuries of Beethoven's great disappointment.

It will be performed for you by the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under the baton of an outstanding conductor: Stefan Asbury. Maestro Asbury is regularly invited by the best orchestras in the world. He is a frequent guest of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and the WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln. He has collaborated with the Ensemble Modern, London Sinfonietta, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Dresdner Philharmonie, Orchestra of St. Luke's, Boston Symphony and Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks. He is also a regular guest of the prestigious Salzburger Festspiele. The conductor can also boast of numerous albums for which he has received prestigious awards, including Choc du Monde de la Musique (works by J. Harvey) and Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik (works by G. Grisey).

21-01-2022 19:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

January 2022
01JAN '22sa, 19:00
Koncert Noworoczny z RossinimConcert with audience
Event rescheduled from 2021-04-17
koncert zewnętrzny
07JAN '22fr, 14:00
07JAN '22fr, 15:00
07JAN '22fr, 19:00
08JAN '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty "RANIUTTO"Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
08JAN '22sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
08JAN '22sa, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022RGG Trio I SzymanowskiNewest VOD
09JAN '22sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2021/2022Akademia Pana KleksaKoncert rodzinny z publicznościąfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
10 JAN, mn, 17:30 - PIOTR RUBIK- JUBILEUSZ 25 LAT NA SCENIEkoncert zewnętrzny
11JAN '22tu, 10:00
Akademia Pana KleksaKoncert szkolny z publicznościądla klas IV-VIII
11JAN '22tu, 12:00
Akademia Pana KleksaKoncert szkolny z publicznościądla klas IV-VIII
12 JAN, wd, 20:00 - RALPH KAMIŃSKI – KORAkoncert zewnętrzny
13JAN '22th, 19:00
RUBATO 2021/2022MARIA POMIANOWSKA I Carousel of CulturesTraditional concert with the audience
14JAN '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022Baltic Sea Philharmonic
Event rescheduled to 2022-01-24
Newest VOD
15JAN '22sa, 19:00
BRILLANTE 2021/2022 | Artysta rezydent 2021/2022Tender Strings | Presidential ConcertSymphonic concert (sinfonietta) with the audience
16JAN '22sn, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022BRAHMS | ZARĘBSKIChamber concert with the audience
17JAN '22mn, 19:00
18JAN '22tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
18JAN '22tu, 11:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
18 JAN, tu, 19:00 - NOWOROCZNA GALA- KONCERT WIEDEŃSKIkoncert zewnętrzny
21JAN '22fr, 14:00
21JAN '22fr, 15:00
21JAN '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022MOZART | BEETHOVENSymphonic concert / Paid online broadcast
22JAN '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty "RANIUTTO"Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
22JAN '22sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
22JAN '22sa, 20:00
SOUNDLAB 2021/2022 | SOUNDLAB 2022/2023Inspired By Bach: Peter Gregson - Bach Recomposed
Event rescheduled to 2022-10-01
Electronic concert with the audience
22JAN '22sa, 20:00
Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022 | Music.Multimedia.Management.Współcześni Twórcy: Paweł MykietynFree online premiere
23JAN '22sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2021/2022 | Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022KRÓL MACIUŚ IFree online premierefor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
23 JAN, sn, 17:00 - KONCERT WIEDEŃSKIkoncert zewnętrzny
23 JAN, sn, 20:00 - KONCERT WIEDEŃSKIkoncert zewnętrzny
24 JAN, mn, 19:00 - STANISŁAWA CELIŃSKA "JESIENNA"koncert zewnętrzny
24JAN '22mn, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022Baltic Sea Philharmonic
Event rescheduled from 2022-01-14
Newest VOD
25JAN '22tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
25JAN '22tu, 11:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
26JAN '22wd, 19:00
26JAN '22wd, 19:00
Twarze ZAiKS-uVernissage
27JAN '22th, 19:00
VII Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych - TMP 2021 | Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/20227th True Musicians Tournament - TMP 2021Free online premiere
28JAN '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022VIVAT MOZART!Symphonic concert / Paid online broadcast
29 JAN, sa, 20:30 - SYMPHONICA. GOŚĆ SPECJALNY MICHAŁ SZPAKkoncert zewnętrzny
30 JAN, sn, 17:00 - TRE VOCI WITH LOVE, CZYLI WSZYSTKO O MIŁOŚCIkoncert zewnętrzny
30 JAN, sn, 20:30 - TRE VOCI WITH LOVE, CZYLI WSZYSTKO O MIŁOŚCIkoncert zewnętrzny
31JAN '22mn, 10:00
February 2022
01FEB '22tu, 10:00
01 FEB, tu, 19:00 - PIWNICA POD BARANAMI: 65-LECIEkoncert zewnętrzny
02FEB '22wd, 10:00
02FEB '22wd, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022Polish Miniatures | PŁAWNERChamber concert with the audience
03FEB '22th, 10:00
03FEB '22th, 19:00
FilHERmonia"Kompozytorki" - nieopisane herstorieFree online premiere
04FEB '22fr, 10:00
04FEB '22fr, 14:00
04FEB '22fr, 15:00
04FEB '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022OSCHER | DVOŘAKSymphonic concert with the audience
06FEB '22sn, 19:00
BRILLANTE 2021/2022 | BRILLANTE 2022/2023STEWART COPELAND | The Police
Event rescheduled to 2022-08-28
Symphonic concert
07 FEB, mn, 19:00 - POD DACHAMI PARYŻA - GRAND ORKIESTRA Z ODESSYkoncert zewnętrzny
08FEB '22tu, 13:00
08 FEB, tu, 19:00 - MICHAŁ SZPAK - FREEDOMkoncert zewnętrzny
09FEB '22wd, 13:00
10FEB '22th, 13:00
10FEB '22th, 19:00
RUBATO 2021/2022VOŁOSITraditional concert with the audience
11FEB '22fr, 13:00
11FEB '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022ZYGMUNT KRAUZE - 60 years of creative workConcert with the audience
12FEB '22sa, 20:00
SOUNDLAB 2021/2022Marc Romboy & Miki Kekenj - Reconstructing BachElectronic concert with the audience
13 FEB, sn, 17:00 - KONCERT MUZYKI PRZEDWOJENNEJ [PRZENIESIONY NA 13.02.2022]koncert zewnętrzny
13FEB '22sn, 17:00
Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022 | Koncerty rodzinne 2021/2022Akademia Pana KleksaFree online premierefor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
13 FEB, sn, 17:00 - KONCERT MUZYKI PRZEDWOJENNEJkoncert zewnętrzny
14FEB '22mn, 19:00
15FEB '22tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
15FEB '22tu, 11:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
15 FEB, tu, 20:00 - KONCERT WIEDEŃSKI - WIELKA GALA NOWOROCZNAkoncert zewnętrzny
18FEB '22fr, 14:00
18FEB '22fr, 15:00
18FEB '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022Marimbas | Myćka | Kordylasińska-PękalaSymphonic concert with the audience
19FEB '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty "RANIUTTO"Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
19FEB '22sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
19FEB '22sa, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022Cuarteto CasalsNewest VOD
22FEB '22tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
22FEB '22tu, 11:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
22 FEB, tu, 18:00 - GRUPA MOCARTA WŚRÓD GWIAZDkoncert zewnętrzny
25FEB '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022FAURÉ | GŁAZUNOW | MOZART | MILHAUDSymphonic concert / Paid online broadcast
26FEB '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty "RANIUTTO"Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
26FEB '22sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
27FEB '22sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2021/2022Figa z makiemKoncert rodzinny z publicznościąfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults