The grand finale of the week with Polish music!

NEWS | 11-11-2018
We have already experienced many hours of music with such stars as Jazzpospolita, Atom String Quartet, Gaba Kulka, Tomasz Dąbrowski and Maciej Obara, Konstanty Andrzej Kulka, Tomasz Strahl, Krzysztof Jabłoński, Natalia Zamilska, Marcin Stańczyk, Ensemble Musikfabrik, Capella Cracoviensis, Rasmentalism and the whole a fusion of instrumentalists and singers from various regions of Poland, performing Polish traditional music.
November 11th, 2018 is an exceptional date in the lives of Poles. On that day, we will all celebrate the 100th anniversary of regaining independence. On this occasion we have prepared a whole week of exceptional concerts, presenting Polish music culture at its best. The week began with a family concert filled with hits from the album "They lived long and in Szczecin", while the next days were filled with: history of Polish jazz, in a nutshell, presentation of Polish folklore, Polish chamber music performed by eminent virtuosos, new approach to sound taken by contemporary composers creating on other musical levels, historical view of the Moniuszko national opera or the final of the competition on the YouTube movie etude "Who are you?".

We are anticipating now the grand finale of the concert 100/100 | Musical decades of freedom | Górecki – one of the events broadcast by Program 2 of the Polish Radio (the broadcast begins at 17:00). During the concert, we will hear the "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs" by Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, a composition that brought the composer global popularity unprecedented in the world of contemporary music. The musicians will be led by one of the most respected and well-known Polish conductor – maestro Wojciech Michniewski, and the vocal parts will be performed by Elżbieta Szmytka.

We are home.

The WE ARE HOME project is financed from the means of the Ministry Of Culture and National Heritage as part of the Multi-Annual Programme “NIEPODLEGŁA” 2017-2021.

The concert “100 for 100. Musical Decades of Freedom” on the 11th November, co-organized by PWM Edition to celebrate the centenary of Poland regaining independence is held under the National Patronage of Andrzej Duda, the President of the Republic of Poland to mark the Centenary of Regaining Independence and financed by the Ministry Of Culture and National Heritage as part of the Multi-Annual Programme “NIEPODLEGŁA” 2017-2021.

The patronage over the concerts: “We are home”: “NOW | Stańczyk | Zamilska | LAB2_El-Polska”, and Mecenas koncertów "Jesteśmy w domu": "TERAZ | Stańczyk | Zamilska | LAB 2_El-Polska", oraz "EARLIER | Vilnus Halka" has been given by ENEA.

The Media Patrons of the Project “We are home”: Polish Radio Programme 1, Polish Radio Programme 2


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