MDF Festival artist nominated for award

NEWS | 17-07-2018
Pushka Studio, a creative studio created by Bartosz Wójcicki and Dorota Kołodziejczyk, has been nominated for the Polish Graphic Design Awards in the category of Motion graphics, mapping and projecting. Bartosz Wójcicki is one of the creators of the visual and light setting event taking place in the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival in September. Together with the interdisciplinary artist Pani Pawlosky, he designed the lighting effects on the facade of the Philharmonic building, each corresponding to a specific days of the Festival.
The Polish Graphic Design Awards (PGDAwards) is an annual competition devoted to the most important productions in Polish graphic design. Its aim is to present the most valuable graphic designs in the past year and to distinguish outstanding designers. The nomination for Pushka Studio to such a prize confirms that the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival is co-created by artists who really stand out.

With the participation of such artists as Bartosz Wójcicki and Pani Pawlosky, the Philharmonic in Szczecin will become an artistic object both inside and out over the course of the Festival. The facade of the building will be bathed in colorful patches, minimalistic mirages and pulsating shapes – the edifice of the Philharmonic will flicker in this way for the first time. The lobby will become a large mapping installation which, in addition to the aesthetic experience, will also convey valuable information to the festival guests. This visual setting will also be supporting the concerts and exhibitions taking place in the MDF Festival. For the first time, this 3D mapping technique will be used in the Chamber Hall, to consist of two-dimensional images over a three-dimensional object. Visualizations correlated with the music will emphasize the interdisciplinary dimension of the concert – as in the case of the song "Navigator – musical logos of the cityscape", complementing the main musical idea contained in the work.

The animation by Pushka Studio which has been nominated for the PGDAwards award can be seen here.

Tickets for paid events taking place within the MDF Festival can be purchased online at,,, as well as directly at the Ticket Office of the Philharmonic in Szczecin. Until July 29, pre-sales of tickets at a lower price will be held.

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